Session 63 Beatitudes as Spiritual Journey

Session 63 The Next Four Beatitudes

In much the same way as the previous session, Father Keating goes through four beatitudes explaining their place on the spiritual journey.

Blessed are the merciful for they will receive mercy.

Keating explains “The beatitude, then, that corresponds to the full reflective self-consciousness of the Mental Egoic level is the beatitude of the Merciful: “Blessed ... Oh how happy you’ll be if you show mercy, forgiveness and compassion because you will then receive the same.” And as Jesus says in another place ... “in ever increasing abundance.”

He notes that we are to love one another as Jesus loved us, not merely as we would want someone to love us, but to love as Jesus did.  “To love one another as Jesus has loved us is to love one another in our humanness, individuality, in our opinionated-ness, in the things that drive you up the wall, in the personality conflicts. In other words, it’s to put up with this guy or this person with love and to continue to show love no matter what the provocation may be in the opposite direction for us coming from them. This is great freedom indeed ... not to react in kind out of compulsivity: to attack, insult, abuse, or whatever.”

Keating reminds us that we need to have loving kindness and compassion for ourselves as well.  “Another aspect that’s important at this level and which goes with this beatitude and which is something that we can do, is to practice also great compassion for ourselves. It’s astonishing how important that is, especially in our time, when so many people have a low self-image and experience self-hatred, which is simply the pride system in reverse . . . . we don’t measure up to the idealized glory or perfection that our preconceived ideas require. And so, the pride system, not God, says: “You’re no good. “

We are responsible at this stage to continually keep our connection with God, “we are responsible for this co-operating with divine transformation, . . .  to develop the devotion and dedication to God that comes through prayer. And prayer as a relationship, then, as we saw, becomes more intimate, more of a resting in God’s presence.”

Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.

At this level, we are approaching the Intuitive stage of development. “all our relationships change towards ourselves, towards God, towards other people, towards the cosmos, etc. And we then spend a period of time integrating and adjusting ourselves and all our faculties to this new experience or level of being.  And the promise is “they will see God.” Not with bodily eyes, of course, but with the x-ray eye of faith that is purified in the Night of Sense and which now penetrates through experiences. .  . In other words, our sensitivity to the message of divine love that is beamed to the whole universe is sensitizing us to how it speaks to every creature at every level of its being.”

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. 

And this is the beatitude of the peacemakers. These are peacemakers not so much because they demonstrate (although this is useful perhaps) or run all over the world, or preach it; but, more important, they have become peacemakers in their inmost being by establishing, through their sensitivity to the Spirit, peace within themselves.   Keating relates that one is able to act through and with Jesus and not through the ego. 

And finally Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 

People are at a pretty well-developed level for this beatitude because suffering for righteousness sake can be very difficult.  In this category is someone like Nelson Mandela, but it may be your next door neighbor and you are unaware of his circumstances. Keating says “And one perceives that in persecution, one is actually serving in the most decisive and perhaps effective way of all the means of exercising ministry.  In the experience of union, one not only enters the peace of Christ, but becomes oneself a transmitter of the divine life. This energy that God has given us is being transmitted constantly to those with whom we live and love and beyond. As even the physicists say, you can’t have a thought without the rest of the universe being instantly affected.”

For Further Study, read Invitation to Love by Father Keating.