What is a Centering Prayer Support Group?
The primary purpose of a Centering Prayer group is to help sustain the commitment to a regular practice of Centering Prayer. Members of a Centering Prayer group gather to practice Centering Prayer together, to deepen their understanding of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina, and to share personal experiences of the Centering Prayer practice and its effect in their daily lives. The group provides community support for the spiritual journey.
Central Illinois Contemplative Outreach Centering Prayer Groups*
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Where Location (map link) Day/Time Contact Person Contact Email/Phone
Bloomington ZOOM Meeting Tuesday 9:15 AM on ZOOM Sandy Baker bakersm@gmail.com
Bloomington ZOOM Meeting Friday 9:30 on ZOOM Florrie Dammers fadammers@gmail.com
Bloomington St Patrick Of Merna Church Wednesday 6:30 PM Edward Colloton ecolloton@gmail.com
Bloomington St Patrick Of Merna Church Wednesday 11:25 AM Jana Schopp jana@stpatrickmerna.org
Eureka-Roanoke Roanoke Mennonite Church Monday 9:00 AM Carolyn Yoder jubilosa52@gmail.com
Tremont ZOOM Meeting Thursday Noon Pat Malik patmalik80@gmail.com
Rock Island ZOOM Meeting Wednesday 1:00 PM Carol Mizeur camizeur@gmail.com
Urbana-Champaign ZOOM Meeting Monday 7:00 PM Mary Lou Menches mmenches@illinois.edu
Urbana St. Patrick’s Church Thursday at 11:00 AM Carl Nelson chnelson@illinois.edu
* as of January 2024