Session 68 Live in the Present Moment

Session 68

“So, what’s the point of living? As far as I can see, it’s only a day at a time to give God a chance to take over our very complicated human situation completely, or more completely. And whatever we do is in the service of that project, so we don’t have to think about it if you’re in the present moment.”

The above paragraph is the last paragraph written of Session 68 by Father Keating.  He has led us to this point by reminding us that we are never alone and although we may not appreciate what is happening in our lives on any given moment, we can trust that God knows and God is with us.

Father Keating suggests, “.  .  .  we stop making effort and just take everything as it comes. And then you’re in the present moment. That’s the only place God is. So, if you’re there too, then all you have to do is accept what’s happening; or do what God wants you to do about what’s happening, which will be infused, and you believe that you’ll be guided there, regardless of how many faults you have. And in fact, you rather like your faults, because they help to keep you humble and to realize there’s more reason for staying in this world if you have to be here anyway.”

I appreciate hearing this because I am trying to live my life like this and yesterday, I talked to my sister about acceptance and staying in the present moment as she was relating a disaster that had occurred at work.  And I was meeting with some women to take a look at the place we are holding a baby shower and the security alarm went off and the whole thing was like a Keystone Cop event and we all just had to laugh about it later.  It is about staying humble and letting God be in Charge. 

And to emphasize this point, Father Keating remarks, “The awakened state or the non-dual is not to even think about right and wrong, because you’re always doing what is right, because you’re under the influence of the Spirit. So, there’s no need to think of self or the past or to worry about the future. It’s now. Now, now, now, now, now.”

So, our very real task, which becomes easier as we sit quietly in Centering Prayer, is to stay present with the knowledge that we are always in the presence of God and that presence is Now.  Wow.

Further Resources: Chapters 11 and 12, "The Development of Spiritual Attentiveness" and "The Spiritual Senses" in Crisis of Faith, Crisis of Love by Thomas Keating