July 25, 2018

Session 56 and Session 57 continue to present the complicated Dark Night of the Sense experiences that humans on the spiritual journey may have as God brings them closer and closer to Himself.  Father Keating gives an overview of the experiences of Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross as he explains what happens during this period of time in the spiritual journey.  Father Keating reassures the listener/reader that one needs to continue on the path and though it seems difficult at times, it is a sign the individual is growing spiritually.

Gerald May writes in The Dark Night of the Soul, 

"If we really knew what we were called to relinquish [consent to] on this journey, our defenses would never allow us to take the first step. Sometimes the only way we can enter the deeper dimensions of the journey is by being unable to see where we're going. 

"We cannot liberate ourselves; our defenses and resistances will not permit it, and we can hurt ourselves in the attempt. To guide us toward the love that we most desire, we must be taken where we could not and would not go on our own. And lest we sabotage the journey, we must not know where we are going. Deep in the darkness, way beneath our senses, God is instilling 'another, better love' and 'deeper, more urgent longings' that empower our willingness for all the necessary relinquishments [consents] along the way."
-- Gerald May, The Dark Night of the Soul 

Going through the dark Night of the Sense brings us to transforming union with God.  Each person has experiences that are a bit different, but there is some commonality.  As noted in last week's blog post in which Fitzpatrick-Hopler and Best discussed, there are feelings of being left alone, of being separate from others, yet feeling a closeness to God, a need to spend more time with God, which may not result in feeling better.  One needs to continue on the spiritual journey; it helps to have others to talk about these experiences with to aid in understanding what is happening. 

Father Keating notes "The experience of the transforming union is a way of being in the world that enables us to live daily life with the invincible conviction of continuous union with God. It is a new way of being in the world, a way of transcending everything in the world without leaving it."
-- Thomas Keating, Invitation to Love 

Resources for Further Study: You may wish to read Chapters 15-17 from Invitation to Love (20th anniversary edition), Chapters 14-16 in older editions. 

You also may wish to read The Dark Night of the Soul by Gerald May.